Rev. Emmanuel T. Agormeda is the Senior Pastor of Royalhouse Chapel International, Maryland in the United States. He also doubles as the Apostle in charge of Royalhouse Chapel Churches in North America. He carries a strong Apostolic, Pastoral and Prophetic Mantle upon his life leading him into planting churches and strengthening existing ones. He is a motivational speaker and a dynamic creative Preacher of the Word of God. His boldness, precision and simple but powerful exegetical and expository way of teaching the Word of God has won the admiration of many and has transformed countless lives.
Rev. Emmanuel is a sought after conference preacher and speaker, ministering extensively in the United States and countries across the globe. He is always looking for opportunities to disciple people into Christian leadership. His educational background in Divinity and Leadership Studies has motivated him to train Church Staff, Lay Leaders, Deacons, Ministers and Pastors in building for the Kingdom. Known for his vision and passion for equipping people for a victorious and successful Christian life on earth, Rev. Emmanuel is noted for his heart of service, discipline, faithfulness, tenacity of purpose and the ability to make God real in the affairs of people. His ministry is characterized by the demonstration of the power of God resulting in notable testimonies.
Rev. Emmanuel holds a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Political Science, and Master’s of Divinity with a Pastoral Studies emphasis, and is a Doctoral Candidate of Ministry at the Oral Roberts Schools of Theology. He is married to Rev. Mrs. Willhemina Agormeda and they are blessed with three adorable children.