Day 1 - Rev. Hughes & The Black Family Panel
Day 1 - Rev. Geoff & The Mental Health Panel

Day 3 - Rev. Emmanual a& Friday Night Prayer
Day 1 - Rev. Emmanuel AM Power
Guest Contacts
Black Family Panel
Social Worker Chiquita Jones – prefers email: ortizchiquita@gmail.com
Therapist Jay Bartnett – prefers IG: @kingjaybarnett
Minister Linda Wallace – prefers email: lhwtouch@aol.com
Mental Health and Wellness Panel
Mental Health Advocate Adoma Adae – prefers email: adaevents@gmail.com or IG:@Adoma_all_dae
Therapist Jay Bartnett – prefers IG: @kingjaybarnett
Psychologist Dr. Michelle – prefers IG: @ghana_goddess; YouTube: Dr. Michelle; Facebook: Ghana Goddess; Twitter: @GhanaGoddess; Email: drmichelle.partnership@gmail.com
Tips to a healthy family dynamic:
Schedule family time and group activities
Eat meals together
Allow for One-on-One time with individual members as well
Open and honest communication
Be an active listener
Show kindness, respect, and appreciation
Set the example – children mimic what they see, not what they are told.
Tips that the church can do to help the people:
Recognize signs of those who are distant, requiring special prayers, or change in behaviors
Ask open-ended questions, listen, empathize. Continue checking on people and establish fellowship.
Offer counseling and information on access to health care in the community
Conduct health fairs and seminars to educate and provide resources
Ways to access care in your community:
Locate medical assistance through your local health department.
Create or locate a directory of free or subsidized care in your community
Navigate your health insurance for coverage offered
Mental Health America: https://www.mhanational.org/
Black Mental Health Alliance: https://blackmentalhealth.com/
National Alliance of Mental Illness: https://www.nami.org/home